
Upgrade Your Business with FABREX and the Kit Digital

Gain access to substantial grants for digitalizing and optimizing your manufacturing processes


Process Management

Maximum Grant: Up to €18,000

With FABREX, you can streamline and digitize your internal process management. Our software platform is designed to integrate solutions that empower companies to:

  • Automate tasks and processes: Minimize time and errors associated with manual tasks, including automating invoicing processes with the generation of quotes, delivery notes, and invoices.
  • Enhance operational efficiency: Optimize workflow and expedite decision-making through budget control, cost estimation, and resource optimization.
  • Increase productivity: Facilitate collaboration and project tracking, improving overall performance and enhancing the management of purchase orders and supplier relationships.
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Business Process or Production Process Consulting

Maximum Grant: Up to €6,000

The Kit Consulting program provides comprehensive advisory services for business or production processes. This initiative offers:

  • Expert consulting for business process improvement: Comprehensive diagnosis of your company with actionable improvement proposals from industry experts.
  • Production chain analysis and optimization: Identification of inefficiencies with recommendations to improve workflows and processes.
  • Customized digitalization strategies: Tailored plans to meet the specific needs of your business.
  • Integration of artificial intelligence: Specialized guidance on business process management and AI tools for enhanced optimization and modernization.

Equip your teams with the tools they need

Discover how we can empower your business:

Leverage this unique opportunity to elevate your business with the advanced digital solutions provided by FABREX, supported by the financial backing of the Digital Kit. Enhance efficiency, boost productivity, and ensure sustainable growth for your enterprise.
For more information and to begin your application, visit Kit Digital and Kit Consulting page.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us and we will guide you through the process.