





  • Release notes

    Release notes

    v0.1.4 Convex hull and input files

    • implemented convex hull variable on uploaded STL files, so quotation formulas can use it to get better recommended prices than when using bounding volume
    • added a new file input type, which allows users to upload files for specific processes when needed
    • added optimisations and performance improvements when saving quote order items
    • fixed some minor issues that appeared due to previous version updates
  • Convex hull

    Comparison of a 3D part with its calculated convex hull


    A convex hull is the smallest convex shape that completely encloses a given set of points. In the context of 3D modeling, it represents the tightest convex boundary that wraps around an object, much like stretching a rubber band around a set of points.

    View of Fabrex formula settings, showing how easily convex hull can be used for quotations


    A convex hull provides a tighter, more accurate boundary around a 3D part compared to a bounding volume, making it better for estimating quotations.

    We calculate the convex hull automatically so it can be easily used in the formulas to reduce overestimation and improving price accuracy.

    Context hull is only available for valid pieces, and bounding volume will be used as fallback.

    Input files

    View of Fabrex part quotation, showing a selected product that promps the user to upload specification files

    Upload files during quotation

    A new input type has been added so processes can be configured to prompt for files that may be needed for either quotation or manufacturing.

    View of Fabrex back office, showing the configuration of an input file.

    Files configuration

    Configure which files are needed on per process basis, allowing to set constraints of size, number of files and their types. Files can also be required so clients are forced to upload them.

    Empower your manufacturing business with Fabrex